Knowing God,
Making Him Known
We’re a diverse family of people from all walks of life who seek to live out our faith for the praise of His glory and the blessing of our community. We love Jesus and His bride and delight in worshiping Him together.
Social Justice
Sunday Message
Tuesday Night Live
God has us on an incredible journey, stretching and growing us through this season. We meet in a number of ways, including Together Sundays, Sunday Fellowship Groups and Tuesday Night Live.
Social justice
Jesus’ heart for the poor and downtrodden inspires our own. We know that He blesses us in order that we might be a blessing to others, both within our church family and within the surrounding community.
There is immense power in the preached word. Our preachers count it a weighty privilege to share the glory of God and salvation in Christ. Visit our sermon archive here.
Tuesday Night Live
On Tuesday evenings during term time, unless otherwise mentioned in our WhatsApp communications, we all (kids and adults together!) gather at the Refinery at 18:30 to worship and pray.